Sexting: How to Talk With Kids About the Risks

Sexting is the sending or receiving of sexually explicit images, videos or text messages using a smartphone, computer, tablet, video game or digital camera. It’s not something any parent wants to think about their child doing, and it may be uncomfortable to talk about. But the fact is that sexting is something kids will find…

How Harmful Pornography Addiction Is and How We Can Overcome It

Pornography addiction is a rapidly growing problem that affects millions of people around the world. While some people may view pornography as a harmless form of entertainment, it can have serious consequences on mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the dangers of pornography addiction and provide tips on how…


1. There is no amount of sexual novelty or orgasms that will make you happy. You’ve been trying that for years, and where has it gotten you? Try letting go of chasing new fantasies and new partners. Instead, allow yourself to be present and enjoy the moment and the connection between you and your partner….